Sunday, September 09, 2012

MC2 Post 1383 Long Live EL NEGATIVO -- Amazon Backtracks on ADS

Amazon Backtracks, Will Offer $15 Opt-Out for Ads 
on Kindle Fire Tablets

After negative feedback on forced ads, the company reverses course and 

will allow users to opt-out of "Special Offer" ads 

-- for a fee.


146 Characters....

Review: Kindle Fire HD Screen is a Big Improvement



By the numbers, the difference between screens on the new and older model doesn’t seem that big. The smaller Kindle Fire HD, with a screen measuring 7 inches diagonally has a screen resolution of 1280 x 800. Last year’s 7-inch model, and the upgraded version with better innards unveiled Thursday, has a screen with 1024 x 600 pixels.

That doesn’t come close to the latest iPad, which has a resolution of 2048 x 1536. Nonetheless, this upgrade feels like a big leap for Amazon. It means not seeing any of those annoying pixels, a welcome relief that feels even better when you consider the price. At $199, versus $499 for the latest iPad, I can see this being a popular stocking stuffer this Christmas.

Kindle Fire HD vs. Nexus 7: Which One is Right For You?


The 7-inch tablet market just got more interesting, and more confusing. CNET breaks down the key differences between two $199 tablets: the Amazon Kindle Fire HD and the Google Nexus 7.

Google Nexus 7 review (16GB)






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