Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Post 286 -- The Last MacWorld EXPO and No JOBS!

MacWorld 2003

MacWorld 2009

No Steve Jobs.

It may be more of an Economic Statement than one would THINK.


But first a liitle Bad URL's sidetrack:

In Twitter, there is something called TinyURL, which means a URL Link that is shortened to fit limited space Twitter.
The rest of ComputerDumb and I do Mean DUMB, doesn't know the Reasonableness of That Concept.

As a Bad Example, here's a LINK to a story about what MacWorld Expo should do without Apple as a Expo Exhibitor:


Does that Kind of LINK make Sense in any World?
A piece closer to the Reason Job's Ditched MacWorld: "Apple Shocks World, reveals it is a huge corporation"

is linked here:

And Yes, that is a much more reasonable URL Link.

The Bottom-Line for MacWorld Expo 2009:

A New MacBook Pro, some spiffy software called: iMovie (updated) and iWorks. And more DRM-less iTunes at a Lower and HIGHER Prices.

Okay, let's see what CES is going to do to take the Focus of the New Year away from MacWorld later this Week.

Wingman, with his fingers crossed.

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