Friday, November 23, 2012

MC2 Post 1449 Three older Birds huddled around a Nexus Tablet waiting for a Turkey

Turkey cooking in the kitchen.  The Ladies having a chat in the living room.  The Men in the TV Room,the first of many many football games playing silently as the men meander through the new world of "Tablets".

The three brothers, with Dad included trying to maker sense of out of this new-fangled device called a Tablet.

Drift back thirty plus years when the three minus 4th brother Bod used to pour over the "New" Age of Computers":  Atari, Commodore, PC Jr. and even Radio Shack's Color Computer.

Talking TECH still comes easy to the three brothers.

The old become new again.

And the Videos on the much smaller screen, that overshadowed the mega dynamo called the "NFL" and three decades find themselves relating again to Laurel and Hardy still very able to make them Laugh.

Bob and Ernie's  "King Fu Super 8 Movie"

Ernie, and the Family

Having a Great

Thanksgiving at Lydia and Steve's





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