Saturday, August 24, 2013

MC2 Post 1679 An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Node.js

There's no shortage of Node.js tutorials out there, but most of them cover specific use cases or topics that only apply when you've already got Node up and running. I see comments every once and awhile that sound something like, "I've downloaded Node, now what?" This tutorial answers that question and explains how to get started from the very beginning.

What is Node.js?


A lot of the confusion for newcomers to Node is misunderstanding exactly what it is. The description on definitely doesn't help.

An important thing to realize is that Node is not a webserver. By itself it doesn't do anything. It doesn't work like Apache. There is no config file where you point it to you HTML files. If you want it to be a HTTP server, you have to write an HTTP server (with the help of its built-in libraries). Node.js is just another way to execute code on your computer. It is simply a JavaScript runtime.




Security Now 418

Considering PGP

Hosts: Steve Gibson with Leo Laporte

Steve and Leo cover the consequences of the Snowden leaks and, with that in mind, they examine the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) system for encrypting email and attachments.


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