Friday, March 30, 2012

MC2 Post 1235 Science And Apple Keeps Pushing the Envelope

Honeycombs of Magnets could Lead to New Type of Computer Processing  


Scientists have taken an important step forward in developing a new material using nano-sized magnets that could ultimately lead to new types of electronic devices, with greater capacity than is currently feasible, in a study published today in the journal Science.


Multiple groups claim to create first atom-thick silicon sheets

Going for Something Really Small.

Honeycomb Image:

Image of the two-dimensional honeycomb structure of silicene as captured by a scanning tunnelingmicroscope. Credit: Guy Le Lay et al./TU Berlin

( -- Since its discovery in 2004, graphene -- sheets of carbon an atom thick -- has sparked a flurry of research into the nanomaterial's potential applications for blazing fast, tiny electronics.

Now, several research groups claim to have created analogous thin sheets of silicon called silicene, igniting a controversy over who won the race to synthesize this promising new material.





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