Monday, April 11, 2011

MC2 Post 999 Wingman Warning: Snap Another Digital Fingerprint has been taken of your Life.

Warning: Snap Another Digital Fingerprint has been taken of your Life.

And We don't have the foggiest Idea where 
the data being collected is going.

The Ubiquitous Digital Camera, that subtlety expanded the "Kodak Moment" to the internet has morphed again.  This time into something that has security consequences.

Just as emails can be equated as open postcards that anyone can see, we must change our perception that online photos are safe.

Maybe we should think of the digital photograph as a Fingerprint with a lot of baggage.  Information that can carry all kinds of digital information.  Information that computers with clever filters can glean all kinds of information from the raw data.  And some of the latest smart phone and tablet apps can take an audio "fingerprint" of the environment where the picture was taken.  They can then place your location within the room and the location of various sounds in the room and your distance from them. 

The Concerns of this new expansion of technology can be examined in an excellent article on CNNTech linked here.

I consider this a must read.


New Digital Fingerprints
(Back Story)

Online photos: Are they the new 
digital fingerprint?


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