Monday, April 04, 2011

MC2 Post 992 Let's Tie A Yellow Ribbon

'round that Old Oak Tree, eh?'


Header:  Windows 8 Looking to Replace Toolbars with Ribbons

My SPIN: With Lead-Dog Apple Running Victory-Laps with Its New iPad2 AD, Windows and LINUX are Thrashing Around in The Shallow End of The Pool, Trying and 
Trying to Seem Relevant.



Window Header 2:  Microsoft Changes Windows Interface




Header 2: Linux New Natty Narwhal With Unity: Worst Ubuntu Beta Ever?


Meme: Noun
    S: (n) meme (a cultural unit (an idea or value or pattern of behavior) that is passed from one person to another by non-genetic means (as by imitation)) "memes are the cultural counterpart of genes"

Wingman's Commentorium: 
In the Battlefield for Technology's meme 
PC's and Linux Desktops (like newspapers) 
are struggling to  Remain Relevant.  
And splashing and thrashing around 
in the shallow end of the Pool is 
Not going to get it Done.




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