Tuesday, May 28, 2013

MC2 Post 1603 Google Encourages Developers to Hack Glass

Breaking its Own Restrictions, Google will 
Show Developers How to Build Any Kind of App 
for Google Glass.

From:  http://www.technologyreview.com

Hackers Start Jumping into the Deep Side of the Pool

Google Glass HACKED to transmit everything you see and hear


Google Glass Flaw Lets Hackers 'Watch Your Every Move,' Researcher Says

5 Alternative Heads-Up Displays That Aren't Google Glass

 And Other Body TECH wearable OPTIONS

Wearable Tech: More Than Just Google Glass [Infographic]

Last week, the market research firm MarketsandMarkets released a report that projected global shipments of wearable electronic devices -- otherwise known simply 

as "wearables" -- will grow at a compounded annual rate of 30.4% 

between 2012 and 2017. 

By 2018, 134.3 million units will ship worldwide, 
with expected revenues of $8.36 billion.

This changing tide in how we consume technology has not gone unnoticed. Already, wearables are being regarded as the future of how we’ll engage with the digital other-world created over the past 30-plus years.

From:  http://www.minyanville.com

Blue Sky Ideas:

Formula for Turning Cement Into 'Metal'

From:  http://www.sciencedaily.com

Scientists have unraveled the formula for turning liquid cement into liquid metal.
This makes cement a semi-conductor and opens up its use in the profitable consumer electronics marketplace for thin films, protective coatings, and computer chips.

175 Characters....HumBug!!!  Wingman.


New Raspberry Pi Accessories Link

Added to MC2 Favorite Links on 

The Right-Hand Panel





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