PBS's Little Dorrit and the iPhone: Instant Gratification.=========================================
The Video Bar Has Selected Clips of Little Dorrit.
(Scenery is amazing as usual)=========================================
Behind the Scenes on Little Dorrit on BBC News:Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7681753.stm=========================================
Watching Dickens depiction of the English Government's foibles of the 18th Century, sparked a renewed interest in Charles Dickens.The story about Little Dorrit is said to be a Bio of Dickens himself, as his father spent time in a Debtors prison.My interest increased to the point of grabbing my iPod Touch and searched for a Public Domain copy of the Book.
In less time than a commercial spot on regular TV a copy was downloaded to my iPod Touch.
Pictures below:

Link to BBC Little Dorrit Press Packs:
Comparing Dicken's Merdle Swindler to the like's of Bernard Madoff:Your TinyURL Link: (from 129 characters to 25) http://tinyurl.com/djc2rl=========================================================
Books and Newspapers
Still Have a lot to Say To Us.
Wingman, sitll reading....===================================================