Going To The Cleaners
Hangers from China
Story report from The Post and Courier at Charleston.net
Many of the country's 30,000 or so dry cleaners are paying twice as much for hangers than they did at the beginning of the year, and they are ticking up prices to cover the mounting expenses.Story report from The Post and Courier at Charleston.net
In January, East Bay Cleaners was paying about 6 cents per wire hanger, or $15.50 for a box of 250. This week it shelled out almost 14 cents apiece, according to owner Kenny Yu. For a business that goes through 800 to 1,000 hangers a day, that's an extra $1,900 to $2,400 a month.
Where are the bulk of dry cleaner hangers coming from?
You guessed it: China.
A good line from Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest (1981) could go here.
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