Now I know the reason for the TV series "Surface" being cancelled.
It was the name of a new Touchscreen "GIZMO" from Microsoft. Here's a link to Demo on Popular Mechanics Website.
Link to Jeff Han of Perceptive Pixel Remapping the Universe Demo
The Surface from Microsoft (codenamed: "milan") was demoed for Popular Mechanics (link above). It's touch screen "surface' can pick up multiple touch points and interact to items placed on the surface. Wireless devices can also 'communicate' with the "Surface" interface.
Kind of nifty, but at $10,000 a "Desktop" pop, rather put that into 5 state-of-the-art Linux boxes (3 Dual-Core, 64 bit Desktops running Fedora, Ubuntu and Open SUSE, and 2 similar spec'd laptops, running Ubuntu and Fedora).
Getting to look more like
Philip K. Dick's Minority Report all the time.