Webpages are evolving into modifiable BLOGS, and with the Trend, the Content Management Software (CMS) is poised to deliver us from the evil of HTML coding. Sure, you can hack away with HypeText Markup Language, but why bother? The Content is the important part. The means of getting it on the page is: Whatever works Best For You.
I usually juust use a simple Linux Text Editor (qedit) and just paste it into my Blogger page. Like THIS:
Blogs are short, clean, and work well with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which give websites a very professional look.
The next step is, of course, audio and video streaming content.
Remember the hoopla about cable being the great democratization of MEDIA, it appears that the WEB is the form that will deliver on the Promise.
You ain't seen nothing yet...
Stay tuned.